March T-Shirt Color Palette
Laken March 10, 2022 0There’s more to March than the color green. We’ll show you in our March T-Shirt Color Palette from BulkApparel, your #1 source for wholesale blank apparel!

It’s finally Spring yay! Surviving the brutal Winter here in Hawaii has been rough but I made it through. All joking aside I’m sure we are all glad Winter is over. Spring signifies the regrowth and reinvigoration of the natural world and the end of Winter hibernation. Having grown up in snowy, frigid temperatures I know all too well the dread of the winter months. There were definitely times I wished I could just hibernate until springtime. This month’s t-shirt color palette will include bold colors that encompass both nature and everyone’s favorite boozy holiday…. St. Patrick’s day of course! So grab your softest green t-shirt and pour yourself a Guinness for this March T-Shirt Color Palette.
Green Clover T-shirt
It ain’t over ’til it’s clover baby! No surprise here we are starting off with a clover green basic t-shirt by Fruit of the Loom. Traditionally the four leaf clover represents faith, love, hope, and obviously luck. While the significant history of the shamrock for St. Patty’s day is up for debate, everyone can agree it’s fun to wear green clover shirts to the pub. And who knows maybe you will get lucky… If ever there’s been a soft blank t-shirt to embellish with a lucky clover it’s the Fruit of the Loom 3930R HD Cotton Short Sleeve T-Shirt. The 3930R HD wholesale t-shirt is made of high-density 100% cotton for exceptional print clarity. Basically whether it’s screen printing, heat transfers, direct to garment, or cricut, it’s going to look crisp and clear on the 3930R t-shirt.
Heather Kelly T-Shirt for St. Patrick’s Day
Kelly green, uncoincidentally named after the common Irish family name, is no doubt the color you think of for St. Patty’s Day. A good visualization for the lush green countryside of Ireland, kelly green is an intense, in-your-face green. Much like the green stained teeth and cabbage breath of your fellow St. Patrick’s day celebrators. The heather kelly Bella Canvas 3001 unisex t-shirt is a soft and muted version of kelly green. Perfect for everyday wear even after March 17.
Orange for March T-Shirt Color Palette
Why orange for the march t-shirt color palette? Orange is so boring… While orange is hardly a new shade, classic orange is the perfect color for March. From gorgeous bright orange marigolds to the orange of the Irish flag, this shade is timeless. Not to mention orange will bring out the warmth in my otherwise pasty winter complexion. The Hanes 5250 authentic tee in orange is a classic t-shirt in a classic color in a classic brand. Essentially the trifecta of t-shirts wholesale.
Pot o’ Gold T-Shirt
Now this one’s a no-brainer. This pot o’ gold shade is coveted by all leprechauns and revelers alike especially during the month of March. Plus gold is a universal shade of sunshine and Spring and thus happiness. An essential color for March, just like the Hanes 5280 Essential T-Shirt. This everyday blank t-shirt is a must-have for anyone who wants the utmost comfort from their wholesale cotton tee.
Antique Sapphire T-Shirt Color
We have made it to my favorite color on this month’s t-shirt color palette. A gorgeous sapphire blue with a vintage appeal. Antique sapphire is just the shade to make those big blue eyes pop. A very similar tone to St. Patrick blue, this antique sapphire shade will complement any skin tone. St. Patrick blue? Yes you read that right. Apparently early depictions of the St. Patrick show him clothed in blue. So blue could be just as much of a St. Patrick’s Day color as green. The G640 Gildan T-Shirt 64000 Softstyle not only comes in antique sapphire but it truly is one of the softest blank t-shirts around.
Irish Cream T-Shirt for March Color Palette
Last but not least is a color reminiscent of delicious Bailey’s Irish Cream. If you happen to be a committed St. Patrick’s day partygoer, you are no stranger to Irish Cream. The Next Level 3600 Premium T-Shirt in color cream will complement your Irish coffee just right.
This concludes our month of March t-shirt color palette but remember to check back each month for new trendy color schemes. We at Bulk Apparel love providing basic apparel and printing tips, tricks, and how to’s. Just like our Guide to Polyester and Printing on it.